19 September 2009

Back to work again

Wow! Long time ago that I had anything to post about developing instruments.
Lots of other things on my hands. ((Holidays in Spain, Medieval festival in Nijmegen ....)

Last week I shaped the upper edge of the sides to aproximately their final height. That was more difficult than I hoped.

To be able to guess where the top would join the side I used a fake top of thin plywood.
I'm pretty sure that I'm now within 1 mm from the final height.
The top has been shaved to aprox. 3 mm. (somewhat thinner near the sides and a bit thicker where the bridge will come)
Next difficult step is the bending of the top.
I made a construction on whitch I will be able to clamp the top in its final form. After bending I glued the transverse bars and hope that it will keep its form.
In the original there are little blocks to reinforce the join of top to sides. I'll use short glue-strips instead.Last action for today was making and fitting the little bass-bar:Hope to glue the top on the sides tomorrow.....

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