15 October 2009

vernice bianca

Today I've prepared my own version of vernice bianca.
I left out the honey and rock candy (sugar).
  • Dissolved approx. 5 gr of arabic gum in some water (aprox. 20 ml? heated 'au-bain-marie')
  • after cooling downd I added approx. 25 ml of egg-white
I don't like to have these hygroscopic ingredients in the surface of my instrument.

After letting it rest for some time I applied it on some prepared/sanded leftovers.
I already made some samples with a glue-ground and a ground of pure egg-white so after drying I'll compare and choose the method for the real instrument.
left the egg-white and right the gum/egg mixture. The vernice is a little more viscous and less clear than the pure egg-white. Feels a lot less gelly than the egg and is easily applied with a brush.

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