16 February 2011

What now?

After long considerations and doubts I now am quite certain of my next project.

I hope to build a vihuela based on the Belchior Dias Guitar/Vihuela.
The original instrument is part of the collection of the Royal College of Music in London.

Last week I received a copy of the drawings and notes on the instrument by Stephen Barber.
Also very interesting to read is the comment of Alexander Batov who suggests that this instrument might originally have been a vihuela.
I quite like the idea of the instrument being a vihuela (in A?).
The great challenge will be the 'fluted' back built from 7 strips of wood bent in 2 directions.
When bent transversally with a radius of approximately 18 mm they are quite as stiff as a 18 mm thick peace of wood whith the weigt of a piece of 1.6 mm. Getting them to bent longitudinally without splitting won't be easy! Let alone joining them with a neat joint.

I've not yet decided on the wood to be used for the body. First I have to do some experiments in bendig the strips of the back. 

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