25 April 2011

final ribs of the back fitted!

Yesterday evening I fitted the last rib of the back so today the body could be removed from the mold.
The instrument kept its form perfectly!

The weight of the instrument in the current stage: 475 gr.

Some pictures of the result:

The form is not as regular as it should be. 
It was no easy task to make the edges of the ribs meet each other at the right heigth.

I put a piece of threaded wire in the body from bottom block to neck to stabilise the form of the body.
On the picture below you can see that the 2nd join from the left is to deep.

The yellow arrows mark the spots were the edges of the ribs are not connected. You can see the april sun through them. (After applying linnen linings over all the seams this wil be OK I presume.) 
A detail from the connection between the ribs and the neck.
At the left side the fitting is not 100% perfect but sufficient. On the right side it is better than I expected to be possible.

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