06 March 2011

Double bending experiments

I formed some pieces of sycamore in the (outer) form of the ribs.
The nails in the sides will help to tie the soaked wood to the form.

I submerged the soaked pieces in boiling water for about 20 seconds. (Simultaneously heating the wood and removing the alcohol and amonium).
After that the wood is very soft indeed and can be bend very easily

The real problem is the risk of cracking at the ends:
It has proven to be very important to apply the wrapping evenly and quickly.
The nails help to roughly tie the wood to the form and afterwards increasing the pressure/tension.
At the right time you also have to make sure that the wood is placed evenly alligned over the form. The resulting bent rib has to be joined to its neigbour later on. That will become even harder if the wood has slipped asside a bit.

My succes-rate is currently 2 x success and 3x cracked ribs. Some more to go..

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